This Month...

With HB Healthcare Safety

Dr. Jeanne Huddleston and from the SLS team Daniel Whitford and Kristi Harsh walk through the 2022 Annual report that was distributed in April 2023. We review the data provided in the report and what it means as well as improvement projects started by fellow SLS Collaborative members. A copy of the report can also be accessed through this course.

Key Points of Interest

  • Variety of OFIs

    By seeing the things that other institutions are doing, you find other ideas that you could potentially take into your organization without having to go through all the cases necessary to learn that specific OFIs.

  • Culture of Learning

    The increase in measuring opportunities for improvement (OFIs) exemplifies the culture of learning and how better the case reviews are executed over time. Check the statistics and listen for the explanations.

  • Contributing Factors

    The contributing factors already identified will be just as part of your review and acknowledging contributing factors can help you identify improvement projects and uncommon clusters among patients


  • Jeanne Huddleston, MS, MD: CEO & Leadership Faculty, HB Healthcare Safety, SBC
  • Daniel Whitford, Manager of Data and Analytics, HB Healthcare Safety, SBC
  • Kristi Harsh, Manager of Quality and Experience, HB Healthcare Safety, SBC

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