This Month...

With Mayo Clinic

We sit down with Dr. Neel Shah from Mayo Clinic  to discuss workplace violence in health care and get a better understanding of its elements and sphere of influence. Also, learn about the solutions implemented by Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

Key Points of Interest

  • Definition of Violence in Healthcare

    Dr. Shah describes workplace violence, its types, and its severity levels. Learn the definition of each one to determine the most appropriate solutions.

  • Solutions

    Learn how tailored strategies can be generated and how the staff are affected by workplace violence. Recognize what works for dealing with the consequences and how to report them. 

  • Elements of Violence Prevention

    Dr. Shah provides examples of real instances with the impact on patients and frontline teams. Learn the benefits of their "Complex Intervention Unit Concept".


  • Shah Neel B., MB,ChB: Director of  Clinical Education at the Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine in Rochester, Minnesota .

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